
Dear Reader,

For whatever reason you are reading this I thank you. I created this blog in hopes of finding myself. I am a mother and I am a wife, for most that seems to be the only title they claim. Though I love being mommy and wife, that is not all that I am. I am a woman. I am smart. I am Khrystina.

I have four beautiful children, two boys, two girls, I also have a very special daughter who passed away due to a late miscarriage. She is a big reason I needed to move on to a personal blog. I'm sure I will talk about her a lot now that I feel safe to be who I am. My husband and I are recently married but have been together for a long time, marriage just wasn't important, one day on his lunch break, we decided to go to the court house. Yes, we are on a whim type of folk.

I am an atheist. That means, I am a person who denies the existence of any Gods. I'm a good atheist though. Hardly judgmental when it come to differences of opinions. I believe in equality for all and freedom of choice.

On to the reasoning behind why I decided to start a blog. I needed a safe haven for me, my thoughts and the words that I write. I needed to find myself within all the muck that has overtaken me recently. Mature and grow in a new direction. Taking the positive route this time.

My most recent conflicts have been amongst some of the worst I have faced. My newest addition was born early and spent some time in the NICU, shortly thereafter I ran into some serious financial issues and then after that I was practically throw to the wolves by some of the most respected and loved people in my life. A part of me from the beginning to the end of that, I lost pieces of me that will never be recovered. However, I think above it all, I've changed in a manner that is admirable. Perhaps I'm a bit less trusting of people but I have learned that words are just that words. What I know about myself is about all that really matters anymore.

This blog is my ways of growing up in a sense. Leaving behind what isn't important and finding my sanity again. My place of belonging and relocating the peace I lost some time back caused by people who only done harm against me. People I thought were there to help me rise. Turns out, the only person I can honestly trust is myself. Learning that has opened my eyes to so many possibilities and knowledge. Knowledge I hope to showcase here. A non-hidden Khrystina blog so to say.

I hope for whatever reason you are here. You find something to take out with you. I adore people who can relate with me and I even more so adore when someone can find comfort from my own words. I'm a giver to the fullest and though I'd write this blog for myself as a release, I also give it to you, the reader to take with you.

Please continue on reading about my newest journey in growing up and becoming who I want to become. Being who I am without hiding.



  1. This is amazing. I love that you are doing this. I wish I could do this and write a blog, but i feel like all my thoughts get so jumbled and random. Kuddos. I'm loving the blog. The real you. No hold backs which is awesome!

    1. And it's private so nobody can take personal hits at me that don't know me. It's a win win, maybe writing a blog would unjumble your thoughts. If you start one, you let me know :)
